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1440 Multiversity

1440 Multiversity

About Us

Our Beginning

The Story of 1440 Multiversity

Nearly a decade ago, 1440 Multiversity co-creator Joanie Kriens was inspired while tending to and harvesting vegetables in her home garden. In that mindful moment, she was overcome by feelings of happiness, contentment, and joy - for the colorful tomatoes and squash in her basket, the quiet beauty of the land, and the preciousness of life with her family and friends.

The Setting

The Setting

The 1440 Multiversity campus rests on 75 private acres nestled within the redwood forest of the Santa Cruz Mountains - the former site of Bethany University. Century-old redwoods serve as the perfect backdrop for Kitchen Table, the dining area nestled into the tree line along the south edge of grounds above Carbonera Creek with large picture windows. 

The Name

The Name

During the summer of 2011, Joanie and Scott Kriens were searching for the right name for their philanthropic work. Little did they know they would find it in their own backyard.

The Inspiration

The Inspiration

Our foundational belief is that creating hope for living well rests in the ability to cultivate strong authentic relationships - with ourselves, with each other and with the world.