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Founded 40 years ago on the simple idea of creating innovative products that change the world, Adobe offers groundbreaking technology that empowers everyone, everywhere to imagine, create, and bring any digital experience to life.

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From students to creative professionals, and from small businesses to the world’s largest enterprises, our customers are using Adobe products to unleash their creativity, accelerate document productivity, and power digital businesses.

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Adobe has always been committed to doing the right thing by focusing on people, purpose, and community. This commitment has guided our evolution, and it inspires our employees to invent the future and change the world for the better.

Adobe for All

Adobe for All is our vision to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across our company and in our communities. We’re focused on creating a more diverse and inclusive workforce; unleashing the full potential of every employee; and driving meaningful impact for Adobe, our industry, and society at large.

Artwork by Mariano Pagella

Artwork by Mariano Pagella, aka Vasty, Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund recipient

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