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About Us

When it really matters

When growth proves elusive.

When your industry faces transformation.

When the choices you make define your future.

When getting it right first time, on time, is your only option.

We are the people you can turn to when it really matters℠.

When growth proves elusive.

When your industry faces transformation.

When the choices you make define your future.

When getting it right first time, on time, is your only option.

We are the people you can turn to when it really matters.

AlixPartners specializes in addressing when it really matters moments with insight, action, and speed to results. Our teams are led by people who have sat where you sit and who bring years of experience gained from boardrooms to court rooms, from the factory floor to the shopfloor.

We are more than management consultants. We are business partners to our clients and leaders in our fields. We thrive on getting things done amid disruption and complexity to deliver results that stick.  

If the question is: can AlixPartners do it?

The answer is: we have done.

Our people

Our senior-led teams combine strategic vision and real-world experience with an explicit propensity to action and unstinting focus on results.

Together, alongside our clients, we identify and implement practical and sustainable solutions at pace—when it really matters℠.