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About Us

Start earning. Most drivers earn $18-25* an hour.

*Actual earnings will depend on your location, any tips you receive, how long it takes you to complete your deliveries, and other factors.

Earnings matter.


Whether you’re saving up for something big or you just want to make some extra money, most drivers earn $18-25 an hour*, which will get you there faster. And you can maximize your earnings by taking instant offers when you find a little extra time throughout your day.

*Actual earnings will depend on your location, any tips you receive, how long it takes you to complete your deliveries, and other factors.



Make the most of your time.


Amazon Flex pays in hourly blocks. When you schedule a block, you’ll know how long it lasts and how much you can earn - all before your block begins. So, avoid driving around looking for work and feel confident that your time on the road is well spent.

Roll down your windows and drive.


Delivering packages means you have the freedom to really be yourself. When you’re on the road with Amazon Flex, there are no passengers. Listen to your favorite music or podcast and work how you want. You own the delivery experience.



Stay active.


As a delivery partner, you’re in and out of your vehicle, and actively engaged in delivering smiles to happy customers. It’s a driving gig that keeps you on your feet.

Smiles for miles, backed by Amazon.


Delivering packages to customers is not just a fun way to earn extra money. You also get the benefit of all the great things that come from working with Amazon: efficiency, reliability, and innovation.