About Us
Assemblies of God church in Lakewood, California
Mission & Vision
Go Therefore and Make Disciples...
The Mission
Disciple: Be One, Make One
The Vision
Ready For Reunion
The Motto
Doing Life Together, We Live, Love, and Coach Like Christ.
Be One. Make One.
A disciple is an apprentice, someone sitting under the coaching of Christ himself. Like Mary, sister of Martha, a disciple takes the posture of a learner and sits at Jesus’ feet, enthralled with the word of God. Like Peter, a disciple asks Jesus to call him to take God-initiated faith steps. Like Timothy, a disciple cares for and believes for others to experience the love and hope in knowing Jesus. When you experience a life with Jesus, you cannot help but want to share that transformation within, outwardly with others!
We recognize that there are different places where sharing with others and showing what God is doing in your life can happen. We call them the Heart, Home, 'Hood & Hub.