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HealthEquity, Inc.

HealthEquity, Inc.

About Us

We don’t just administer benefits—we change people’s lives.

Stephen D. Neeleman, MD

Founder | Vice Chair

Our company

Since our founding in 2002, HealthEquity has remained laser-focused on our mission to save and improve lives by empowering healthcare consumers.

By 2030, we plan to make HSAs more common than 401(k)s.

Who we serve

14 Million+ Members

Easy-to-use benefits give members the tools and resources they need to spend smarter, save more and invest in their healthcare.

120,000+ Organizations

Our Total Solution delivers a powerful lineup of integrated benefits, helping employers offer a better experience at much lower cost.

10,000+ Registered benefits advisors

Customized solutions and original thought leadership let benefits advisors strengthen relationships while offering a unique benefits package.

185+ Network Partners

Powerful integrations with health plans, retirement providers, and TPAs simplify claims processing and enable clients to offer a more rewarding member experience.

The journey toward remarkable

Ongoing enhancements to the client and member experience continue to simplify benefits for millions.