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Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

About Us

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

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Hello … We're so glad you found our site!

If you're like most Christians, you want to live a better life.

You want better health, better finances, better relationships and better life experiences.


You're tired of dealing with the same problems, day in and day out, with no solutions.

You long for something more…you long to live a life of victory.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • I'm broke. I'm in debt, and I never have enough money to pay the bills.
  • I'm sick all the time, my health is poor, or I'm terminally ill.
  • I struggle with constant fear, anxiety and/or depression.
  • I'm struggling with an addiction and/or living a lifestyle I know is not pleasing to God.
  • I'm struggling in my marriage or relationships at home or work.
  • I have a huge problem, and I do not know how it will ever get solved.
  • I feel like my life is going nowhere, and there is no hope for change.
  • I have an OK life, but I feel like something's missing.
  • I want to have a better relationship with God.

If any of this describes you, we know how you feel!

We've all been there at some time or another. BUT we have good news for you because there is always hope in Jesus, God and His WORD!

The moment you accepted Jesus as LORD of your life, all the promises of God and the power of God became available to you, so you can overcome any situation you will ever face.

You know what else it means? It means life no longer has to be mundane or full of turmoil, but it can be an adventure, full of the love and peace of God.

At Kenneth Copeland Ministries, we're committed to help you live a life of victory by teaching you the principles of faith found in The WORD of God that, when applied, will produce real change in your life.


There's no hole too deep, no problem too big that God can't help you with. He can help you live the life you always dreamed of, and we want to help you overcome every obstacle standing in your way.

Our Most Popular Content

Below are links to our most popular content to get you started on your journey:

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We have many more articles, videos and more to help you with real life issues in the Real Help section of this website.
