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Middlesex Savings Bank - Natick Branch

Middlesex Savings Bank - Natick Branch

About Us


Our Story

A modern, full-service bank that always puts customers first.

From the very beginning, we’ve been right there with you.

When Middlesex Institution for Savings was founded in 1835 in Concord, MA, banks were focused on businesses rather than families. But our founders saw a need to support the community and created a mutual bank where everyone was welcome to save and help build a better life.

Today, Middlesex Savings Bank is one of the largest mutually owned banks in the country with more than 30 branches. Unlike many other banks, we don’t have shareholders to answer to, or stock prices to worry about. So we can always put our customers first with better rates, more personalized service, and continuous support of the communities we all call home.

Banking has changed, but our values never will.

Our founders could never have imagined ATMs, online and mobile banking, or many of the other conveniences of modern money management. But they recognized the enduring value of a bank that puts people over profits – and that guiding principle drives every decision we make.