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About Us

We design buildings and experiences that disrupt the status quo, create joy and realize the future. Explore our recent work.


We are optimists. Question askers. Curious about the world around us. These values shape our thinking and how we design the future.

Our Story

We are an ideas-driven design firm with an empathetic process. Our work is rooted in research, making and the belief that all voices should be heard. We help clients pursue health, community and a zero-carbon future.


A commitment to diversity and inclusion—and the belief that all voices should be heard—are hallmarks of our firm.

Today, we're focused on design justice, a subset of our commitment that challenges structural inequalities and uses design to sustain, heal and restore.

Create Belonging in Our Workplace

Within our firm, provide opportunities to increase representation at all levels and roles within our design practice.

Diversity and Inclusion

Our mission is to invest in opportunities that lead to diversity and inclusion within the design profession. Doing so is key to an equitable, just world. We also know that creative synergy happens best when people of diverse backgrounds and a culture of openness meet.