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Renaissance Dental Group

Renaissance Dental Group

About Us


Our Mission

To work together to develop an uncompromising excellence in dentistry. To fulfill this mission, we are committed to;

  • Ensuring a friendly, compassionate, and professional environment
  • Continuously improving ourselves at all levels.
  • Earning the trust and respect of our patients
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Exceeding your expectations

Our Specialties

Women getting dental mouth X-rays

 Orthodontic Services

Do you have an uneven smile, but don't want the intrusion of traditional braces? Try Clear Correct, a series of clear plastic aligners that gradually straighten your teeth.

Kids in Spiderman and Captain America costumes

Kids Sealants

Kids teeth are the most susceptible to tooth decay due to how hard it is to keep them clean. Sealants can be applied to the back teeth to form a barrier against plaque and bacteria. Keep your kids smiling bright.

Woman smiling in light yellow coat and white shirt

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth naturally become stained over time. Teeth whitening like KOR and tray whitening can help bring back your naturally, youthful smile. You can also invest in Veneers; a thin ceramic coating that provides you with a dazzling smile.

Woman getting dental work done

Periodontic Services

Services such as Gum Grafting help restore natural gum lines. Scaling and root planning help remove infection and strengthen roots. Occlusal adjustments help realign lopsided jaw and splinting. And splinting helps strengthen loose teeth.

image or replacement tooth example

Endodontics / Root Canals

Endodontics is the process of removing infected nerves in your tooth. This ensures that infected teeth will not cause an abscess, leading to bone loss and painful infections. This treatment usually lasts as long as your natural teeth. Though on occasion the tooth does not heal as expected and a follow up treatment may be required.