gtag('config', 'G-EWVTF29SDB'); G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549 G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549
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About Us

As a global leader in enterprise applications and business AI, SAP stands at the nexus of business and technology. For over 50 years, organizations have trusted SAP to bring out their best by uniting business-critical operations spanning finance, procurement, HR, supply chain, and customer experience.

Our Strategy

We are committed to helping the world run better and improving people’s lives​. Our vision is to bring out the best in every business.

Man in construction vest and hard hat looking at computer

Agile business transformation at scale

Navigate dynamic markets confidently with cloud-based solutions to drive and unlock innovation, unprecedented agility and scalable growth.

Container ship on water at sunset

Achieve more across the value chain

Tap into the trusted and scalable business ecosystem, harnessing the intelligence across your internal systems and external partnerships to optimize performance.

Wind Turbines On Field with clouds low to ground in the morning

Sustainability at your core

Transform operations with next-generation solutions that drive more accurate and actionable sustainability management across your entire enterprise.