gtag('config', 'G-EWVTF29SDB'); G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549 G-9C9J1Q44S2 AW-990359549
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Universal Technologies

Universal Technologies

About Us

<p><strong><em>Azure Cloud Architect for UNIVERSAL Technologies, LLC to report to our Albany, NY HQ loc. but working at multiple unanticipated locs in USA. Review existing Azure environment architecture &amp; provide recommendations if re-design or changes are necessary. Work w/ ISP &amp; internal infrastructure teams to implement &amp; manage Azure ExpressRoute &amp; Network Security Group. Monitor Azure consumption to prevent over usage. Provision &amp; manage Azure App Services, Function Apps &amp; Logic Apps. Assist w/ Virtual Machine provisioning, migration, &amp; configuration in Azure. Work w/ IT Development teams on utilization of Azure Development tools, incl but not limited to Service Bus, DevTest Labs, &amp; Team Services. Provision &amp; manage Azure storage accounts &amp; CDN. Management of Azure Active Directory. Design Disaster Recovery solution using Azure Site Recovery &amp; Azure Backup to streamline existing IT Systems Recovery process. Requires communication skills. May undergo background checks. Wage range: $120,000 to $146,000. Must have Bachelor’s degree in IT, Comp Sci, Comp Engineering, or related field; 7 yrs of rel experience in IT development software and methodology; and required skills. Requires skills (7 years) in: cloud service provider capabilities and integration; primary Azure services (Virtual Machines, Active Directory, Automation, Monitor, OMS); Microsoft Infrastructure and solution stacks operating in on-premise, cloud, and hybrid hosting environments; PowerShell scripting. Apply at </em></strong><a rel="nofollow" href=";__;!!Ivohdkk!kQC60xuVTwev8WwoZvXfcuUKq-8ZNdGN5LC79RC2yh-cvnWDqqROU3ZeQOofhBd-FzRmrNh9DG2i_33fTCygbaEscaOL9A$"><strong><em>;</em></strong></a><strong><em>&nbsp;ref job Azure Cloud Architect. EOE</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p>